Belly fat is the term for the fat that surrounds your abdomen. Subcutaneous belly fat, which lies beneath the skin, and visceral belly fat, which is deeper and surrounds your internal organs like the liver, lungs, and heart, are the two different forms of belly fat. 

Unbalanced hormones, insufficient sleep, eating a lot of calories without exercising, and family history are some of the most frequent reasons for belly fat.

Yoga is one of the best workouts you can perform to lose abdominal fat. By producing a calorie deficit and preventing it from gaining weight again, yoga for belly fat loss is a great technique to shed weight around your midsection. 

Yoga asanas for belly fat, as the name implies, are ones that are designed to help you strengthen your abdominal muscles and reduce belly fat.


    Mythical Musings by Poorvi

Surya Namaskar is a collection of twelve different yoga poses, each of which has a significant effect on the entire body. Stretches are possible with the forward and backward bends, and the act's deep breathing may aid in detoxification. To benefit the most, perform Surya Namaskar every day in the morning while facing the sun.


  • Stand with your feet together, your chest out, and your shoulders down.

  • Lift both of your arms from the sides as you take a breath in. And when you exhale, keep your arms in the prayer position in front of your chest.

  • Breathe in, raise your hands, and lean back a little.

  • Try to touch your forehead to your knees as you exhale and lean forward.

  • Put your palms on the ground and extend your right leg backward while bending your left knee.

  • Enter the downward-facing dog stance.

  • Coming from Adhomukha (downward dog), proceed forward in an Ashtanga Namaskar (a variation of Chaturangadandasana), with the hips slightly raised and lowering the entire torso in one plane towards the floor.

  • Take a deep breath in and perform the upward-facing dog pose or Urdhvamukha.

  • Place your hands firmly on the ground and lower your torso into a downward dog.

  • Bring your right leg forward and stretch your arms overhead as you inhale.

  • Inhale deeply as you extend your left leg forward.

  • From the waist, extend your back.

        BENEFITS: The entire body, including the internal organs, benefits from this stance from head to toe. Surya Namaskar's practice helps you stay healthy and energized.


    Mythical Musings by Poorvi

The best warm-up position is tadasana. It enhances blood flow, stimulates the core and other peripheral areas, and primes your body for upcoming poses.


  • Your big toes should be in contact with one another while you stand with your feet flat, heels slightly apart. Hands-on both sides, palms towards your body, spine straight.

  • Bring the palms of your hands together and spread them out in front of you.

  • During a deep breath, extend your spine. Stretch as much as you can while raising your folded hands above your head.

  • Try standing on your toes with your gaze facing the ceiling while elevating your ankles. If you are unable to stand on your tiptoes, you can keep your feet flat on the ground and gaze upward.

  • Take a normal breath and maintain the position for 20 to 30 seconds.

  • Take a big breath in, then slowly relax as you bring your feet back to the ground.

  • Ten times is a good number to repeat the pose; increasing the count progressively. Before attempting the following repetition again, take a 10-second break. A beginner-friendly variation is the image above.

BENEFITS: It strengthens knees, thighs, and ankles. Also, it improves your body posture

  1. Pavanamuktasana 
    Mythical Musings by Poorvi

Numerous stomach issues, such as indigestion and constipation, can be relieved by pavanamuktasana. Since your knees provide pressure on your stomach, maintaining the position for longer than a minute may aid in promoting the breakdown of fat in that area.


  • Face upwards while lying in the supine position, your feet should be spread out with the heels touching.

  • Kneel to one side.

  • Take a long breath in, and as you exhale, slowly raise your knees up to your chest so that your thighs are pressing against your abdomen. By encircling the thighs with your hands, you may correctly secure the knees.

  • Exhale while lifting your head such that your chin touches your legs after taking another breath.

  • While inhaling deeply, hold the position for 60 to 90 seconds.

  • Slowly exhale, release your knees, and place your head on the floor. With the palms of your hands facing the floor, bring them to each side of your body.

  • Lay back in Shavasana.

  • With a 15-second break in between each repetition, repeat the pose 7 to 10 times.

         BENEFITS: It strengthens your back and abdominal muscles and also tones the muscles in your arms and legs.

  1. Ustrasana (Camel Pose)
    Mythical Musings by Poorvi

To counter the Naukasana stance, one typically performs Ustrasana. In this position, the backstretch you feel as you touch your ankles helps ton the abdominal muscles. Your belly muscles will now be freed of the tension they were holding during Naukasana, and you'll also get a nice stretch.


  • Vajrasana is the proper position to be in.

  • Lift your body slowly such that your knees are now supporting the weight of your entire body as you sit.

  • The ground should be parallel to your heels at all times.

  • Deeply exhale while raising your back. Try to grasp each ankle separately by bringing your hands behind your torso.

  • Stretch rearward while tilting your head to the side until your tummy starts to feel stretched.

  • Holding the position while breathing normally, start by holding it for 20 to 30 seconds.

  • Inhale, then slowly exhale.

  • Vajrasana: return to it.

  • Beginning with five repetitions, progressively increase the number of repetitions up to thirty.

  • After every rep, take 15 seconds to unwind.

              BENEFITS: It helps to strengthen the back muscles and improve body posture.

  1. Uttanpadasana (Raised Foot Pose)
    Mythical Musings by Poorvi

The rectus abdominus and related abdominal muscles are activated in this stance, which also works the hip and thigh areas. The belly fat that builds up around your waist and hips during pregnancy is reduced with the help of this pose.


  • Your back should be on the ground, your legs should be extended, and your heels should be in contact. Keep your hands by your sides with the palms of your hands facing the floor.

  • Breathe in deeply. Now, while gently exhaling, tilt your back and position your head so that your ears are in line with your shoulders.

  • Keep your hands in the same spot they were in before. Normally, breathe.

  • Without straining your back, stretch as far as you can.

  • Breathe deeply while you raise your legs off the ground at a 45-degree angle.

  • With normal breathing, maintain the position for 15 to 30 seconds. Try to keep the position for longer than 60 seconds by working slowly.

  • Take a long, deep breath out, then straighten your legs so that they form a 90-degree angle with the floor. For 30 seconds, maintain the position while breathing normally.

  • Taking a deep breath, slowly return your legs to the supine position, which was the starting point.

  • Starting off with 10 repetitions, progressively increase that number to 30.

  • After every rep, take 15 seconds to unwind.

              BENEFIT: It helps to treat stomach-related problems and helps to improve blood circulation in the body. 


These are some of the yogas that help to reduce belly fat faster. You need to practice them with due care and guidance to achieve the best results.

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